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CFOSAT ST meeting, Saint-Malo, France: September 12-14 2022

Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to inform you that the 3rd CFOSAT International Science Team meeting will take place in Saint-Malo, France (Bretagne) from 12th to 14th September 2022, at the Palais du Grand Large.
See the program (pdf, 2022/09/08)
Saint-Malo, ancient corsair city famous for its historical center “Intra-muros”, is a very exciting place for a science meeting, where you will appreciate one of the beautiful sunset in France, and watch the large tidal range.
Please save the date!
We will keep you informed about the organization and abstracts submission process.
Looking forward to seeing you in Saint-Malo and exchanging on new results obtained with CFOSAT!
Best regards
Lotfi Aouf, Danièle Hauser, Cedric Tourain, and Jean-Michel Lachiver.
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