Abstract's details

Sea ice and icebergs characterization using CFOSAT data over polar areas

Fanny Girard-Ardhuin (Ifremer/LOPS, France)

Jean Tournadre (Ifremer/LOPS, France); Jean-Marc Delouis (CNRS/LOPS, France); Jean-François Piolle (Ifremer/LOPS, France)

Event: 2022 CFOSAT Science Team Meeting

Session: Side workshop 1

Presentation type: Oral

The difference of backscatter between water and ice is in general significant and can be used to discriminate sea ice and open water or to detect icebergs.

The work plans described here are part of the new « 4SICI » project (2023-2026) we will present, this project aims to show the potential of both SWIM & SCAT CFOSAT sensors for sea ice and icebergs characterizations.

Over sea ice, scatterometer backscatter data enable to discriminate sea ice from open ocean areas, but they can also be used for sea ice type detection (first year from multi-year sea ice in the Arctic), and sea ice displacement maps can be built. We will show here some example of the use of scatterometers for these applications and how CFOSAT could help for these purposes, adding data to the CERSAT/Ifremer long-term datasets for analysis of sea ice in the polar areas in the continuity of QuikSCAT and ASCAT/MetOp scatterometer use. Sea ice type classification method using scatterometer data will be adapted to the SCAT and the impact of ice type on SWIM data from 2 to 10° will be analysed. The impact of icebergs on SCAT & SWIM data will be also analysed in order to show if it is possible to detect small icebergs and analyze the impact of the presence of icebergs on the SWIM waveforms. A new tool to calibrate SWIM and SCAT data will be presented, which may improve the sea ice and icebergs characterizations.

Corresponding author:

Fanny Girard-Ardhuin




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