Abstract's details

The SUMOS field campaign : first results on the comparison of wave properties between SWIM, buoys, airborne and marine radar data

Daniele Hauser (CNRS, France)

Sutherland Peter (Ifremer, France); Marié Louis (Ifremer, France); Meric Stéphane (IETR, France); Koumi Jean-Claude Kokou (IETR, France); Tourain Cedric (CNES, France); Rodriguez Suquet Raquel (CNES, France)

Event: 2022 CFOSAT Science Team Meeting

Session: SWIM product assessment

Presentation type: Oral

As a supporting contribution to the validation of observations of CFOSAT; the SUMOS campaign was carried out in February and March 2021 in the Bay of Biscay (off the French Atlantic coasts) between the 15th February and 4th March 2021. This campaign was mainly oriented for SWIM product assessment. A set of co-located observations of wind, waves and associated parameters (turbulent air-sea fluxes) has been collected by both in-situ
and remote sensing means.

Two national experimentation platforms were deployed in and over the Bay of Biscay: F-HTMO, the ATR 42 research aircraft operated by SAFIRE, the French facility for airborne research (Météo-France/CNRS/CNES) and the French Oceanographic research vessel L’Atalante operated by Genavir. Data were acquired using these two platforms in coordination with CFOSAT passes over the Bay of Biscay. The operation plan included:

1. in-situ measurements of surface waves with 20 drifting buoys (SPOTTER) deployed to measure directional wave spectra, and 3 so-called “FLAME” drifting devices to measure wind, and the turbulent fluxes close to the surface; all these systems have been deployed by the L'Atalante ship.

2. measurements taken on board the ship itself using in particular with the imaging X-band radar operated by Germany’s Helmholtz-Zentrum from Geesthacht. These measurements provide the directional spectrum of the waves and surface currents. In addition, a stereo video camera and a polarimetric imaging system was deployed by LOPS and collected
about 50 hours of measurements to characterize the short and intermediate waves and study their relation with breaking and with remotely sensed parameters

3. airborne radar measurements using the Ku-band Radar for Observation of Surfaces (KuROS) developed and operated by LATMOS, were performed from the ATR 42 research aircraft so as to provide directional wave spectra using the same concept of measurement as used for SWIM.

4. airborne measurements with the KaRADOC radar (Ka-Band) developed and operated by the IETR, also carried by the ATR 42. These measurements are used in particular to study the concept of acquiring surface current data by applying a pulse-pair method to a Doppler radar signal. KaRADOC was designed as part of the SKIM project proposed by LOPS.

In all, the ATR 42 flew 17 times in perfect coordination with the in-situ measurements carried out on board the L'Atalante and the drifting buoys deployed from the vessel. Of these 17 flights, 13 were synchronized with CFOSAT satellite passes (SUMOS campaign) and the last 4 were used for the SKIM project.

Each flight provided between 3 and 4 hours of data over long distances across the Bay of Biscay. The research vessel was positioned at different points during this period according to the satellite's passes and the constraints of launching and recovering the drifting buoys.

A large set of high-quality data was acquired, and a wide range of weather conditions was observed.

The first results of this campaign will be presented during the meeting. In particular , we will discuss on the consistency of the wave spectra retrieved from SWIM, KuROS, SPOTTER buoys and marine radar.

A preliminary set of data (spectra from buoy, KurOS) is freely avaialble for all interested scientists on the French portal on oceanic observations ( https://www.odatis-ocean.fr/en/data-and-services/data-access/direct-access-to-the-data-catalogue#/metadata/b4061746-90af-4844-8d07-9a1f06a23925)

Other data sets will come soon.

Contribution: CFO22SWI-The_SUMOS_field_campaign___first_results_on_the_comparison_of_wave_properties_between_SWIM__buoys__airborne_and_marine_radar_data_01.pdf (pdf, 9169 ko)

Corresponding author:

Daniele Hauser




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