Abstract's details
SWIM performance assessment within the tropical cyclone environment
Event: 2022 CFOSAT Science Team Meeting
Session: SWIM product assessment
Presentation type: Oral
Tropical cyclones (TCs) are destructive and complex weather phenomena. Wind and wave interactions are still not fully understood within the TC environment. With the recent launch of the Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring (SWIM) instrument onboard CFOSAT, we are interested in utilizing SWIM significant waveheight measurements to estimate the spatial distribution and extent of such metric within each quadrant of a tropical cyclone. Composite storm imagery will be used to perform such an analysis within all ocean basins, for the various storm types (e.g. tropical storm, hurricane cat 1-5). More than three years of SWIM data will be used for this work (i.e. April 2019 - May 2022). The significant waveheight from the Ifremer implementation of Wavewatch 3 will also be used for this analysis. Additionally, corresponding storm composite images of wind speed from the Hurricane Weather Research Forecasting Model (HWRF), as well as from the Advanced Scatterometers (ASCAT A/B/C) will be included.
Contribution: CFO22SWI-SWIM_performance_assessment_within_the_tropical_cyclone_environment.pdf (pdf, 9371 ko)
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