Abstract's details
Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF): product presentation
Event: 2022 CFOSAT Science Team Meeting
Session: Side workshop 1
Presentation type: Oral
The OSI SAF (Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility) is the dedicated EUMETSAT centre for processing satellite data at the ocean-atmosphere interface. It’s a consortium constituted of Météo-France, as leading institute, and of the following co-operating institutes: MET Norway (Norway), DMI (Denmark), Ifremer (France), KNMI (Netherlands).
Utilizing specialist expertise the satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice develops, processes and distributes, in near real-time, products related to key parameters of the ocean-atmosphere interface. The OSI SAF team focuses on Sea Surface Winds, Sea and Sea Ice Surface Temperature (SST/IST) and Sea Ice Parameters at both poles: Concentration, Edge, Type, Emissivity and Drift. Some of the products are also available as Climate Data Records.
The applications of OSI SAF products are numerous, the most general ones are the assimilation into models, the validation of models, oceanography, research and environmental monitoring. The presentation will illustrate some of the OSI SAF products with a focus on latest Sea Surface Winds and Sea Ice Parameters. It will also be an opportunity to describe OSI SAF plans to exploit the capabilities offered by the future MTG and Metop-SG satellites. In the next years, existing Sea Ice, Wind and SST Climate Data records will be improved and extended.
Utilizing specialist expertise the satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice develops, processes and distributes, in near real-time, products related to key parameters of the ocean-atmosphere interface. The OSI SAF team focuses on Sea Surface Winds, Sea and Sea Ice Surface Temperature (SST/IST) and Sea Ice Parameters at both poles: Concentration, Edge, Type, Emissivity and Drift. Some of the products are also available as Climate Data Records.
The applications of OSI SAF products are numerous, the most general ones are the assimilation into models, the validation of models, oceanography, research and environmental monitoring. The presentation will illustrate some of the OSI SAF products with a focus on latest Sea Surface Winds and Sea Ice Parameters. It will also be an opportunity to describe OSI SAF plans to exploit the capabilities offered by the future MTG and Metop-SG satellites. In the next years, existing Sea Ice, Wind and SST Climate Data records will be improved and extended.

Contribution: CFO22SW1-Ocean_and_Sea_Ice_Satellite_Application_Facility__OSI_SAF___product_presentation_01.pdf (pdf, 4232 ko)
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