Abstract's details
Measurements of total sea surface mean square slope field based on SWIM data
Event: 2022 CFOSAT Science Team Meeting
Session: Perspective for improved processing and new products
Presentation type: Oral
The total mean square slope (mss) of large-scale (in comparison with the scale of radar wavelengths) ocean waves can describe the roughness of the ocean surface. This important parameter has found many applications and can be determined by the dependence of large-scale mss on azimuthal angles. The Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring instrument onboard the China France Oceanography Satellite (CFOSAT) can provide a two-dimensional (2D) normalized backscattering radar cross section (NRCS) for 2D global ocean-surface wave detection. In this paper, the 2D NRCS is used to calculate the total large-scale mss via two methods. The first method is constructed from regression, while the second scheme is derived from a three-solution method. Finally, the total large-scale mss are calculated using these methods, and the map of the distribution of the global total mss is presented for the first time. Our results show that the two sources of total large-scale mss obtained are consistent with each other. CFOSAT can provide a 2D total large-scale mss map and be used as a new data resource for global applications.
Contribution: CFO22PER-Measurements_of_total_sea_surface_mean_square_slope_field_based_on_SWIM_data.pdf (pdf, 865 ko)
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